Title I - Constitution
Title 1. Denomination, seat, aims and activities
Article 1. Denomination
An international non-profit association (AISBL) is founded, named “Association of the Alumni of the von Karman Institute”.
All acts, invoices, announcements, publications and other documents issued by the international non-profit association to which legal personality is granted, have to mention its denomination preceded or followed immediately by the words “international non-profit organisation” or the abbreviation “AISBL”, as well as the address of its legal seat.
This association is ruled by the clauses of Title III of the Belgian Law of the 27 June 1921 on non-profit associations, international non-profit associations and foundations, modified by the law of 2 May 2002 on non-profit associations, international non-profit associations and foundations.
Article 2. Legal Seat.
The Association is established at B-1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Chaussée de Waterloo, 72 (Belgium).
The legal seat can be transferred to any other place in Belgium by ordinary decision of the Board of the Association.
Article 3. Aims and Activities
Article 3.1.
The Association pursues the following non-profit objectives of mutual utility (hereafter referred to as the “Aims”):
To promote exchange of information among Alumni and between Alumni and the von Karman Institute, hereafter referred to as “VKI” ; coordinate the organization of events of common interest and perform actions favouring the further innovative development of VKI and enhancing its visibility by strengthening the links between VKI and the Association ; establishing close relations with selected universities, research organizations, research sponsoring industries and governmental agencies.
Article 3.2.
The activities that the Association proposes to achieve its Aims are the following ones:
1. Establishing a secure web-based collaborative infrastructure that is both flexible and accessible to span national and geographical boundaries in a fast, efficient and cost-effective way.
2. Editing a periodical News Letter
- relating news from VKI, its research and teaching programmes, its facilities and equipment, its faculty and student body
- contributing in a general way to increase the visibility of VKI
- promoting the interests of the members of the Association, such as jobs availability, forum for the search of partners for joint projects, publishing of success stories and innovations by members, offers and requests for redundant research equipment, etc.
- creating opportunities for networking, assistance in setting up new research projects and any other actions which may be proposed by the Association or VKI.
3. Organising national and international social and/or professional meetings to strengthen the links between the members and enhance the visibility of VKI.
4. Contributing to the maintenance and updating of the Alumni Directory.
5. Aiding the mobility of scientists and research engineers; opportunities will be made available through the web portal and gathered into a database.
6. Assistance and support in finding and providing funds and/or fellowships for VKI researchers and professors visiting selected universities and research organisations and for foreign visiting scientists and professors coming to VKI.
7. Creating and maintaining a network of key partner industries having common technological interests with VKI; Alumni involved in such industries shall promote the activities of VKI; job fairs will be organised between VKI and the network of partner industries, granting early visibility of the freshly graduated Diploma Course students and PhD students.
Article 3.3. The Association acts in an economically disinterested way and uses its own funds only in agreement with the Aims stated in the statutes. The members do not receive any remuneration from the Association. No person must be favoured by expenses that are outside the aims of the Association or by excessive compensations or reimbursements.
Article 4. Language
English is the working language of the Association for all internal correspondence and administrative documents. French is used for relations with the Belgian Administration. For all significant communications with the Belgian Administration, a copy in English is kept in the records of the Association.
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